So the whole gall durned group of us got gussied up and went into town and tan my hide if we didn't make some waves while in the big city last night.......
We were in Ross and my husband unwittingly decided to take Jorja off of my hands so I could look around- Happy Christmas to me- and was gone but five minutes when I heard a loud clamor from the front of the store. It seems as if someone was trying to make away with some christmas cheer for free, but no, it was my daughter who simply couldn't resist those neat looking security tags- no clothes or toys attached, mind you, just the tags. Note to self: no more play
dates with Winona Ryder......

Apparently, they make ho-ho handcuffs for the holidays......
At Costco, after tramping through the vast wonderland of consumer goods, I very quickly realized I needed to make a stop in the restroom. After making the 15 min. trip that is the ETA
for a trip to the bathroom in that store, I found the women's restroom blocked with a
cleaning sign. Not to be deterred-you don't mess around with me when I need to go-I took a quick glance in the men's room to see if there were inhabitants. Coast was clear, so I slipped in there and after three layers of toilet paper on the seat (why can't males aim?!?!?) I made it just in time. As I washed my hands, I didn't stop to think of the ramifications if I had not been alone when coming out of the stall, but as I came whistling out of the men's room I was met with looks of shock and horror from women standing cross legged in front of the out of order sign. All I could think of to do was shrug and say, "When you gotta go, you gotta go- besides, if you seen one, you seen'em all!"

I am over here in tears of laughter! I can't believe you have the courage to do such a thing!! You ARE the BOMB!!
I'm glad to see that you have no fear!!!
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